Thursday, February 14, 2013

Acrosis Falls

And so a meteor tore into the side of the Temple of Acrosis. This Tower had to Fall. Acrosis: Axis of Ages. The foundation was sound. The walls rose from the central tower and ran around. The northern wall, perforated with arches of various width and height, to allow free flow of energy and people. The southern entrance was far more conservative. Based on a swasitkal pattern, the base of the tower emulated the sun. But no one paid attention. They entered in mass through the arches overflowing the courtyard, surrounding the Relic. A tall white sepulcher, the Relic stood just above the walls of the courtyard but not even half the height of the tower of Acrosis. No one noticed the tower. The height penetrating sky. Four levels, observation towers. A panopticon. And then it fell. A meteor impacted the side causing the tower to split in half. The top descended on the masses, those praising the Relic. The Relic itself crushed. Some say it disappeared, but not enough people survived to speak from the rumble. In time the area was cleared and another smaller tower was under construction. This time with less arches. Let the sundial entrance guard the energy flow.

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